Biological Monitoring
Small one day, last minute projects or long-term, we can help you out; long distance linear projects, large swaths, or spot improvements alike. We can develop and perform environmental awareness training for your workers to industry standards. We'll analyze conservation measures previously developed and work with you to ensure they are met; species-specific or general environmental stewardship.

Biological Monitoring Plan and Environmental Awareness Training​

A clear, definitive Biological Monitoring Plan at the beginning of a project is critical to ensure adherence to established mitigation and conservation measures. In the event your project does not have one, I can develop it. For a project with an existing plan, I'll ensure it contains the necessary elements to perform an environmentally successful project.
Using the Biological Monitoring Plan with established mitigation and conservation measures, I'll develop a training program for all individuals entering the work site. Constructing an environmentally sensitive project takes root at this stage. I will work close with your crew members to limit the project's exposure to potential fatal flaws, work stoppages, and financial penalties.
Biological Monitoring and
Monitoring Report

A non-invasive, yet thorough approach is my model for biological monitoring. In conjunction with the training, I work closely with crews, when needed, to help them understand the environmental obligations the project is bound to. Whether attending observing construction, daily meetings, inspecting the project site, surveying a species, or working on creative solutions to unforeseen problems; I will supply experience and attentiveness to project requirements and environmental regulations.
Daily log sheets and a final monitoring report will record all project actions to ensure compliance with mitigation and conservation measures. Additionally, I can actively coordinate with any agencies involved on your behalf.

All projects have different requirements, levels of involvement, and are at different stages of production. We can assist in determining what your project needs are and how to most efficiently address them.
Experience Highlight
received Arizona Transportation Partnering Excellence Award for construction biological monitoring role on a bridge project in the Bil Williams National Wildlife Refuge
developed Biological Monitoring Plans and mitigation measures during NEPA process
performed Environmental Awareness Trainings and monitoring for a variety of species and projects
monitored Incidental Take Statement and agency coordination
developed exclusionary measures for avoidance of multiple species
Species Monitored
desert tortoise
Gila monster
burrowing owl
yellow-billed cuckoo
southwestern willow flycatcher
Yuma clapper rail
cliff swallow
razorback sucker
bonytail chub
Pima pineapple cactus